
Employement_Service_System is a web_site for job seekers this web site contain job requriment post details like job requriment of particular company. In this website easy to use and free for all users. In this website Admin handle the two functionalities like post the requriment job details and add jobtype in web-site suppose the Java developer vacancy avalaiable in mumbai region so Admin post job details in web_site.

output-This is our web_site index page user comes first this page this page contain three sections Home /Login/Admin_Login

index01 jpg

If User Comes then press Login Button And go to loginpage if user already Registered then fill UserId and Password and go to job_search page.

loginpage jpg

then it will give pop-up Login Sucessfully. lo jpg

If user not already registered then click on create user link then go to job search request form page and add details then go to login page and add job search request from request page.

r jpg your registeration details should be save in DATABASE. We create a Database employedata to save user details to Database ool jpg and that Database create Tables to Store details for Job /user details.

Then add details for job then your data going into save DATABASE. OP JPEG Data will be store into table-registerdata llo jpg

then user add job search request then request add into Database Table-searchjobs;

llk jpg

Then we create adminlogin page Admin will handle the two functionalities Admin add the job post for that particular Location and Company. kk jpg After Admin login admin post the job Requriment details in add job_type page.

jj jpg Admin add jobpost in job_type admin add job type location and company name in database.

jh jpg

after add the job_post then admin check Request of users if user job_type match with job type then admin accept that user request and if user nit with job_type request then admin hold that particular request. If new job_type coming to admin then admin increase the job_type and if admin accept that request then decrese the units in job_type by 1.

hh jpg

Admin send the message to user by twilio library twilio library is message purpose library send sms to particular registered user.

llf jpg by the help of twilio library admin send message to user.


🛠 Skills-

HTML,CSS,JavaScript,java,SQL Spring,jsp,jsbc


